Brockville Pipes and Drums

Brockville, Ontario

Friday, February 7, 2025

A Pictorial History of the Band

On the steps of Court Terrace, Brockville, facing Court House Green.
The Band had just received its new uniforms.
[May 1934]

Image 2

Band Photo
[May 9, 1976]

Memorial to the Victims of Dun Blane
Photo in front of the Brockville Courthouse
[April 13, 1996]

Pipe Major Ken Larocque
P/M from 1989-2009
[Photo by Stewart Nimmo, 2006]

Image 5

Image 6

Canada Day Parade, by Court House Green
[Photo taken late 1990's]

Playing at a Tattoo on the grounds of Fort Wellington, Prescott.
[Photo taken between 1998-2004]

St. Lawrence University Alumni Reunion Parade, Canton, NY.
[Photo taken between 1998-2004]

New Year's Eve Concert, First Presbyterian Church, Brockville.
[December 31, 2013]

Clarkson University Commencement Parade, Potsdam, NY.
[Photo taken between 2013-2015]

U.S. Army 240th Birthday celebration, Ft. Drum, NY.
Before dinner, the pipes sparked some curiosity but no new band members.
[June 9, 2015]

Remembrance Day 2015 - passing the Reviewing Stand.

Memorial Day 2016, Clayton, NY
Brockville Pipes & Drums, Brockville Police, and the Colon-Couch American Legion Post 821
honor veterans at the Cenotaph in Clayton and at cemeteries on Grindstone Island.
[Memorial Day, Monday May 30, 2016]

Stepping off for a Block Island Summer Concert.
[Photo taken 2017]

Group photo from Summer 2017.

Brockville Railway Tunnel reopening Saturday, August 12, 2017
[Photos by Valentina Miletic and Kirsti Bakker]

Leading the graduation procession at St Lawrence University.
[Sunday May 22, 2022]